Why Vertical Sliding Secondary Glazing is Perfect for Old Sash Windows

If you have old sash windows in your Suffolk home or north Essex property, you may recognise heat loss, draughts and noise pollution as ongoing problems. These issues can make your living or working space uncomfortable, especially during the colder months. But there is not need to just accept them as coming with the territory - fortunately, Mr Misty can help with a solution that allows you to retain the traditional aesthetics of your property whilst improving its energy efficiency and acoustic insulation.

Let us introduce you to vertical sliding secondary glazing.

At Mr Misty Ipswich we are very particular about the quality of our bespoke secondary glazing and how we install it at homes and more period-style properties throughout Suffolk, north Essex and East Anglia. We have a long-standing relationship with the UK's largest bespoke secondary glazing manufacturer which is very much valued by us - and our customers - so we thought it would be fantastic to share more of their insights.  

In this guest blog post, Zobia, a colleague from the Granada Secondary Glazing Factory team shares his expertise, addressing what a sash window is, how secondary glazing can help your home and the benefits it brings for old, listed and heritage homes. 

What is a Sash Window?

A sash window or box sash window is a vertically opening window usually found in traditional 18th and 19th-century architecture and design, but which still holds its place in many modern homes today. 

A sash window has two framed moveable window panels (known as sashes) which are placed in front of each other. The sashes are held in place by weights, cords and pulleys and can be opened and closed to control ventilation and airflow in a room.

This style of window is a classic and elegant design that has stood the test of time and can continue to bring a vintage element to your home by being protected with vertical sliding glazing. 

Other Types and Styles of Secondary Glazing I Find out more

How can Vertical Sliding Secondary Glazing Improve your Aged Box Sash Windows?

Older sash windows are often drafty and poorly insulated. This can lead to higher heating and cooling bills in your Suffolk home. As well as your property being less energy-efficient, this style of window does not always have the safest design and may not carry modern security features. This can make your home more vulnerable to break-ins and intrusions. 

Installing vertical secondary glazing which maintains the vintage appeal of box-cut windows whilst also giving your home the advantages of modern living, can help to address these issues. Mr Misty Ipswich offers and installs three distinct versions of our vertical sliding secondary glazing - standard, slide past and tilt-in vertical sliding.

For box sash windows, we recommend investing in a tilt-in option which enables both panels to individually go inwards, allowing for easy access and cleaning. 

Not only are there benefits to be had from discreet expert fitting, but secondary glazing sash windows can also deliver a range of improvements to your entire Suffolk or north Essex home.

Top Benefits of Secondary Glazed Sash Windows

• Reduces noise pollution and disruption - secondary glazing can significantly outperform double glazed units by reducing noise by up to 80%. This makes it a perfect solution for homes constantly disturbed by traffic noise, particularly if it continues to be an issue at night. 

Soundproofing Glazing from Mr Misty I Find out more

•  Improves insulation - despite their stylish, vintage design, sash windows do not retain heat well in the home. Investing in secondary glazing can improve the thermal insulation of your single-glazed sash windows by around 65% . This is approximately 10% more than what double glazing might achieve!

• Cuts down heat loss - vertical sliding secondary glazing provides an extra layer of protection against potential draughts and cold spots. Bespoke-made, tightly-sealed frames help to lock the heat in and ensure that only minimal heat is allowed to flow through the primary window. 

Secondary Glazing Heat Retention Performance I Find out more

• Secures your home - discreetly fitted, vertical sliding secondary glazing will enhance the security around your home and make it a safer environment to live in. 

Security Glazing Options for Secondary Glazing I Find out more

Through its relationship with the UK's largest bespoke secondray glazing manufacturer, Mr Misty Ipswich can offer multiple design options for historic, contemporary and uniquely shaped windows.

Choose from over 200 frame colours,  different levels of frame thickness and a wide range of thermal coatings to find the perfect vertical sliding secondary glazing for your box sash windows. 

Secondary Glazing Installers near me in Ipswich Suffolk

Do you live in a Victorian or period-style home in Ipswich, Leiston, Stowmarket or Felixstowe with sliding box sash windows in Ipswich, Suffolk or north Essex? Are you interested in improving its efficiency and cutting back on heating /cooling bills without impacting on the look and aesthetic feel of you property?

Mr Misty's quality bespoke secondary glazing solutions and local installation expertise can help.

Mr Misty Ipswich& Suffolk I Secondary Glazing Installation

Give us a call on 0800 25 45 11 today. Or simply use our online form to get in touch